Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My favorite character.

 Hello, today i'm going to write about my favorite character in the movie, 127 hours.
He is Aron Ralston, also Danny Boyle who acted in the movie.
Aron Ralston lived to tell his amazing story, which the gorge almost became his grave.

To me, Aron Ralston is the most courageous man I have ever know or seen. It's just almost impossible for any other people to survive the same ordeal that Aron went through. He is my favorite character because I know I wouldn't dare to do such a thing, even when the situation is life or death; cutting your own arm? Now that's insane. If I were to be facing such circumstances, I guess I will just wait for my death. Just simply amazing, Aron Ralston.

In the movie,  out of desperation, he drank his own urination as he had no water left in his bottle. After   5 days of being trap in the canyon, he finally gathered enough force to stab his blunt knife into his trapped arm, after knowing that chipping of the rock is futile. He used his body strength to break his arm's bone after knowing that his blunt knife wouldn't not be enough to cut through. 

Aron Ralston then slowly cut through his arm, nerves by nerves. I was really shocked. Just by visualizing the scene, I somehow could feel his pain. 

I like his monstrous courage and strong determination, staying alive for your love ones. It was indeed very respectable of him.

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