Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Funeral

The advertisement showed a mixed race couple. In my opinion, I think why they used a mixed race couple is that they want to tell us that love is boundless and therefore race does is not a limit. Also, this catches our attention because of the difference and will make a impression in our mind.

In the advertisement, the lady only pointed out the bad traits of her deceased husband. I think this is to also attract our attention. Usually in funerals, the speaker would tell the audience about the deceased's good traits and achievements, but she pointed out the bad traits instead. To add on, the bad traits was funny, which made the audience laughed. This also makes an impression on the audience. "the little imperfections that make it perfect.." 

I think that this advertisement promotes family value excellently. When I first watched the video, the first few parts, it was funny and I thought it would be a comedic advertisement. However, in the final part of the advertisement, there was a major twist when the lady starts talking about how much she misses his husband, and that all those imperfect acts that her husband made, makes her think that he is still alive. There was also a change in background music, which made the scene really sad. Right at that moment, I suddenly felt this resolute to love my family til I die.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My favorite character.

 Hello, today i'm going to write about my favorite character in the movie, 127 hours.
He is Aron Ralston, also Danny Boyle who acted in the movie.
Aron Ralston lived to tell his amazing story, which the gorge almost became his grave.

To me, Aron Ralston is the most courageous man I have ever know or seen. It's just almost impossible for any other people to survive the same ordeal that Aron went through. He is my favorite character because I know I wouldn't dare to do such a thing, even when the situation is life or death; cutting your own arm? Now that's insane. If I were to be facing such circumstances, I guess I will just wait for my death. Just simply amazing, Aron Ralston.

In the movie,  out of desperation, he drank his own urination as he had no water left in his bottle. After   5 days of being trap in the canyon, he finally gathered enough force to stab his blunt knife into his trapped arm, after knowing that chipping of the rock is futile. He used his body strength to break his arm's bone after knowing that his blunt knife wouldn't not be enough to cut through. 

Aron Ralston then slowly cut through his arm, nerves by nerves. I was really shocked. Just by visualizing the scene, I somehow could feel his pain. 

I like his monstrous courage and strong determination, staying alive for your love ones. It was indeed very respectable of him.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Romeo and Juliet

We have been practicing and rehearsing over and over again,
for hours and days.
So I'm confident my group would do great for this play :)
And definitely be the best! We are all very cooperative and we
get our jobs done accordingly.
But of cause there some conflicts, but we slowly learn to accept each other ,
and learn that for a team to success, it requires us to open up our minds and accept others
for who they are.

Unseen Poem
The unseen poem is written in a form that is not used regularly. That is why I found the poem very interesting and can set us thinking for a moment. This arouses our creativity and also our imagination.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Summary of Macbeth.

 Overall, I find Macbeth very interesting and new.
New because the English words wrote by William Shakespeare 
were very alien to me; usually uncommon nowadays.
I'm personally very interested in learning more of those
Ancient English.

My Favorite Character

My favorite character is the Captain who reported to King Duncan.
I find him a little amusing as he was bleeding badly, and yet
he could still continue talking. He must have felt really agonized.

What did I learn from Macbeth?

From Macbeth, I learnt that you should make effort to achieve your goals,
and never, achieve your goals immorally.
Macbeth believed the Three Witches' prophecy and he killed King Duncan, is an
immoral act.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 2

  MACBETH Act 1 scene 2 shows the meeting between the king and his subjects.
At act 1 scene 2, a brave bloody captain who return from the war,
declare victory over their enemy. But later, another enemy showed up, but Macbeth was victorious once again.

 Act 1 scene 2 is quite complicated to me, mainly because of the multiple twists of story. Like Macbeth killed his enemy's king, but another enemy showed up. Lots of complications.
But in the end I understand what the whole act 1 scene 2 is about.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

 If someone ever come up to me, and tell me my future,
I'll somehow believe it.
But at the same time,
I will just make a note in mind that it will happen,
and just continue my daily life.
Intentionally making a 'prophecy' happen is really foolish in my opinion.
I mean.. It won't be a prophecy if you make it happen intentionally!
It will be like delibretly satisfying someone's words.

I think that Macbeth trust the witches too much,
resulting his murder and death.
Macbeth shouldn't have killed King Duncan.
Due to his impatience, he committed murder.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


  During the literature lesson, we were taught on how to write a Cinquain.
A cinquain is basically a poem that has 5 lines.
Here's an example:
Cool Young
Jumping Hoping Walking
Oh yeah~

So the first line is the subject you wanna talk about.
Then the second line is 2 descriptive words.
Third line 3 words ending with -ing.
4th line a short sentence.
then finally 5th line, another word that can replace the first line.